Sunday, September 18, 2011


To create this informational blog on Paulo Freire, we used these sources to help us with the project:

Freire, Paulo and Donaldo Macedo. 1995. A Dialogue: Culture, Language, and Race. Journal Harvard Educational Review. 65(3): 377-403. Available at (verified 18 September 2011)

Freire, Paulo and Antonio Faundez. 1989. Learning to Question: A Pedagogy of Liberation. The Continuum Publishing Company, New York.

Grollios, Georgios. 2009. Paulo Freire and the Curriculum. Paradigm Publishers, London.

Mackie, Robert. Ed. 1980.  Literacy and Revolution: The Pedagogy of Paulo Freire. The Continuum Publishing Company, New York.

McLaren, Peter and Peter Leonard. 1993. Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter. Routledge, London.

Paulo Freire - An Incredible Conversation. 1996. Youtube. Available at (verified 18 September 2011)

Ramos, Myra B. Paulo Freire: The “Banking” Concept of Education. Available at (verified 18 September 2011)

Shore, Ira. 1987. Freire for the Classroom: A Sourcebook for Liberatory Teaching. Boynton/Cook Publishers, Inc. New Hampshire.

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